The Democratic Republic of The Congo Could Be the Next Big Frontier Market, Eventually

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has abundant natural resources, rich farmland, and the powerful Congo River, has the potential to become the renewable-energy hub for the entire world and Africa’s breadbasket. I toured Kenya and the DRC in July on a trip organized by Nairobi-based Equity Bank, which operates a subsidiary in the DRC. As an analyst of frontier-market companies, what I saw intrigued me. The DRC is a nation with vast potential, as well as significant hurdles to overcome.

The possibilities are mind-blowing. The DRC, with a population of 112 million and situated almost precisely in the middle of the continent, is the second-largest country in Africa by landmass and the 11th largest in the world. The Congo River, which winds through the country and is the second largest in the world by discharge volume, has the potential to produce 100 gigawatts of clean electricity, of which less than 3% is currently being harnessed.

With the river and its tributaries coursing through the countryside, the DRC has an estimated 80 million hectares of arable land, enough to produce food for two billion people. The DRC also has abundant mineral resources. A recent UN study estimated its untapped mineral reserves were worth US$24 trillion. The DRC holds 46% of the world’s cobalt reserves, 23% of the world’s lithium reserves, and 4% of the world’s copper reserves. These are all commodities essential in the effort to enable the global transition to green energy.